

If you have visited this website before, you will have noticed that the design has now changed somewhat. We decided that the “dark” theme of our previous design was too uninviting, and that the organisation and priority of the information on the site could also do with some rethinking.

Therefore, in the new design the background is lighter, and the Blog and Portfolio sections have more prominance on the front page. The layouts of the portfolio page has also changed, with a more concise presentation.

The blog also gains a new “overview” page, allowing a quick glimpse of the current and popular posts, as well as a selection of random articles. We hope that you and other visitors will be able to discover more content in this manner.

Apart from that, not much, content-wise, has changed – you will still find all the old blog articles and lab projects available, though in the comments section of the blog you will be able to now see contributor’s Gravatars, and also websites if they entered one in the field.

If you have any comments, thoughts or suggestions on our redesign (or if you find any bugs), don’t hesitate to comment below. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy your experience on this site!